Olga A. Korotkevich

 Assistant lecturer

Department of social of social and pedagogical  psychology

F. Skorina Gomel State University



2003- Graduated with honors from the Faculty of Psychology Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank " specialty " Psychology" with specialization " Psychology of business and management".

2013 - Academy of Postgraduate Education

 Professional History

 2004- 2005 - Gomel State Agrarian Economic College - social worker

2005 -2006 - International University" MITSO ", psychologist

2006 - Assistant lecturer, Department of social of social and pedagogical  psychology F. Skorina Gomel State University

2008 - Republican Institute for Advanced Studies " program "School leaders : guidelines and interactive technologies work with young people ."

2009 - workshop  in dance movement psychotherapy under the guidance of dance therapist Marianna Giordano (Italy) .

2010- International Symposium " The competent assistance of codependency - exchange of experience of experts from Belarus, Germany and Poland" in Warsaw in the framework of the project "Organization of psychological and psychotherapeutic help adult children of alcoholics codependency ( VDA ) " a program of cross-border cooperation .

 Research interests

 Psychology of entrepreneurship and management, family psychology, psychological support and the provision of psychotherapeutic help adult children of alcoholics codependency (HDA).

 Main publications:

1 Educational Psychology : The curriculum for students majoring 1 - 03 April 2 02 " Social pedagogy . Practical psychology " / OA Karatkevich , M of the image . Belarus, Gomel State University . Skaryna . - Gomel GSU them . Skaryna 2008 . - 30 .

2 Family psychology : a practical guide for students and IPK PC specialty 1-03 04 72 "Practical Psychology" / OA Karatkevich , IA Pylisheva , Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus , Gomel State University . Skaryna . - Gomel GSU them . Skaryna 2009 . - 120 .

3 Psychology and Pedagogy : plan targets for practical exercises for students nepsihologopedagogicheskih specialties University / NI Koltysheva , OA Karatkevich , Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus , Gomel State University . Skaryna . - Gomel GSU them . Skaryna 2010 . - 119 p.


Chapters in books

Main articles:

1 Karatkevich , OA Italian experience with the integration of children with special needs / OA Karatkevich , GV Gatalskaya / / Satsyyalna - pedagagichnaya work in 2010 . - № 11 (117 ) - S. 10-12 .

2 Karatkevich , OA Model of psychological assistance to adult children of alcoholics / OA Karatkevich , GV Gatalskaya , NA Kalinina / / Psihalogiya 2011. - № 3 (64 ) - S. 13-20 .

3 Karatkevich , OA Psychological help adult children of alcoholics / OA Karatkevich , GV Gatalskaya / / Psychotherapy, 2011 . - № 5 ( 101) - pp. 59 - 63 .

4 Karatkevich , OA Psychological help adult children of alcoholics : International Experience / OA Karatkevich , GV Gatalskaya / / Problems of Health and Environment, 2010 . - № 4 (26 ) - S. 81-84 .




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