Natalya N. Dudal  

Master of Psychological Science

Assistant lecturer Department of Psychology

Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogics, F. Skorina Gomel State University





  • Master of Psychological Science, 2011
  • Practical psychologist, F. Skoryna Gomel State University, 1998
  • Philologist, a teacher of Russian Language and Literature, F. Skoryna Gomel State University, 1997

Professional Skills

  • Lecturer of the Department of Psychology, F.Skoryna State University, 2010 – till present
  • Lecturer of the Qualification Improvement and Personnel Retraining Institute, F.Skoryna State University, 2000-2010
  • Teaching psychologist in the system of vocational education, 1998-2001
  • Teacher of Russian Language and Literature, School № 60 of Gomel, 1997-98
  • Student of Qualification Improvement and Personnel Retraining Institute, speciality “Psychology”, 1995-1998
  • Student of the Department of Philology, F. Skoryna Gomel State University, 1992-1997

Research interests

  • Individual professional development, experiencing crises of individual professional development.
  • Peculiarities of adult education in the system of personnel retraining
  • Gomel period in life and work of L.S. Vygotsky

Main publications

  • Dudal N.N. Experiencing crises of individual professional development / N.N. Dudal // IV International Scientific Conference “L.S. Vygotsky and modern cultural-historical psychology: issues of the development of the individual in a changing world”, October, 28-29 2010: in 2 parts. Part 2: [materials] / S.N. Zherebtsov (editor-in-chief) and others. – Gomel, F.Skoryna State University, 2010. – p 240-246
  • Peculiarities of adult education in the system of personnel retraining / N.N. Dudal // Adult post-graduate education in the region: experience, problems and current trends of development: collection of scientific articles / editorial board: O.A. Malakhov (science editor) and others. – Gomel, F.Skoryna State University, 2010. – p 38-43
  • Dudal N.N. Psychological features of crises of psychologists professional development / N.N. Dudal // Psychological problems of professional development and professional education of an individual: materials of the 2nd International Scientific-practical conference, Mozyr, May 20-21 2010 / Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P.Shamyakin, editorial board: V.V.Valetov (editor-in-chief) and others. – Mozyr, 2010 – p 246-248
  • Dudal N.N Some features of organization of the educational process for adults / N.N. Dudal // Modern technologies in adult education: collection of scientific articles / Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno; editorial board: T.A. Babkina (editor-in-chief) and others – Grodno: Grodno State University, 2011 – p 116-118


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