International Cooperation

The faculty takes an active part in the international programs of cooperation.

The main foreign partners of the faculty are: The Bologna University (Italy); The University of Florence (Italy);  The St. Clement of Ohrid University of Sofia (Bulgaria); L. Vigotsky Institute of Russian State Humanitarian University (Russia); A. Gertsen Russian State Pedagogical University (Russia);  Institute of Practical Psychology (Russia); The University of Alicante (Spain), The Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain), Karlsruhe Technological University (Germany), Lund University Turku (Finland), Moscow city university (Russia), Ushinsky State Pedagogical University (Ukraine), State Pedagogical  University (Moldova) and other.

Among one of the most interesting cross-cultural projects is the study of social and psychological factors determining the psychological well-being of youngsters living in different European countries. The project connected with dance therapy and art therapy is carried in cooperation with the research laboratory of The University of Parma.

The cooperation with Italian institutions of higher education gave an opportunity to start a new project in clown-therapy in 2009, which helps to cure children with chronic diseases at hospitals.

The main step in developing international university cooperation is the project “Teaching and Learning Psychology in Higher Education”. In the framework of the project our faculty and the faculty of psychology of the University of Florence regularly exchange teachers, researchers and students. Our universities together also carry out international conferences on the problems of psychology and education. 

Today the faculty takes part in a number of international projects: TEMPUS:  Eastern Partnership in Pedagogical Innovations in Inclusive Education; ERASMUS+  Fostering Competencies Development in Belarusian Higher Education; ERASMUS+ Fostering Competencies Development in Belarusian Higher Education; ERASMUS+ Introducing modules on law and rights in programmes of teacher training and educational sciences: A contribution to building rights-based education systems in countries in transition;  ITEC (Indian technical cooperation programme); Programmes of Child Fund International, The Pestalozzi program of the Council of Europe and other. We regularly  invite World leading professors to teach our students and conduct research together with our researchers.

Our teachers and students attend training programs in different countries on a regular bases. 

International students 

The highest quality of education and the world-class opportunities to carry scientific research attracts a large number of international students and researchers from different countries.

International students from China, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Russia and other countries enjoy calm and quiet way of life, kindness of Belarussian people and high quality of education at Belarussian higher educational institutions.

Ian Shivei from Harbin (China) came to our country as an international exchange student. She studied Russian language, graduated from the Master’s program and took the position of lecturer at the department of Russian language. In her research Ian Shivei studies the problem of education in the Chinese family and compares education in Chinese and Belarussian families. She also takes part in multicultural projects connected with the study of Chinese language and culture. Dursun Hamraeva from Turkmenistan became one of the best students of the faculty. After graduating the university she plans to stay in Belarus. Sun Youan from China studied the Master’s course in General and comparative Pedagogics. 






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