Ludmila N. Gorodetskaya

MA in Psychology

Senior Lecturer, Department of Pedagogics
Francisk Skorina Gomel State University


Graduated from mathematical department of Gomel state University and Minsk state pedagogical University named after M. Gorky on a speciality «Practical psychology». She worked first as a math teacher and later as a teacher-psychologist in schools in Gomel. Has the highest category of a teacher-psychologist. She graduated from post-graduate course of Gomel state University named F.Skorina, specialty the theory and history of pedagogy. Since 1997 worked as the assistant of the chair of pedagogy  and since October, 2008 - senior lecturer of the same chair. From September 2004 to December 2010 served as Deputy Dean for academic Affairs of the faculty of psychology and pre-University training, which since February 2009 renamed into the faculty of psychology and pedagogy.

Under her leadership, in 2008, the project «Video software of curators and class supervisors of pupil and student groups on the forming of a healthy lifestyle and socially oriented life style» took the first place on regional competition among the best socially significant youth project.

For many years of productive educational and pedagogical work on training of qualified specialists she  was awarded in 2009 the diploma of the educational establishment «Gomel state University of F. Skorina».

She has more than 30 scientific and scientific-methodical publications. The topic of scientific interest is “Pedagogical dialogue as a condition of development of moral self-assessment of a teenager” the results of research are introduced in studying of such disciplines as «Pedagogics», «Culture of pedagogical dialogue». Annually carries out the guidance of  term and graduate works  of students of the faculty of psychology and pedagogy.

Gorodetskaya Ludmila Nikolaevna got training in the following areas of psychology and psychotherapy in international training programs:

neurolinguistic programming (NLP) (coach - D.Grinder, USA);

psychodrama (coach Е.Cherepanova, Russia);

stress control ( coaches Matt and Brum Bukker, the Netherlands);

 theory and practice of Gestalt therapy (Russia),

supervision in Gestalt therapy (Belarus);

the Enneagram (coaches - Jack and Helen Mackuny, Denmark);

body oriented psychotherapy (coach Eric Jarnails, Denmark);

work with shock trauma (coach Eric Jarnails, Denmark), and others

List of the main publications of the employee:


Gorodetskaya, L.N. Self-esteem of students, and its forming in extracurricular activities / L.N. Gorodetskaya // Адукацыя i выхаванне. – 2001. – № 2. – C. 24 – 29. 


Gorodetskaya, L.N. The nature of the moral self-esteem as a personal phenomenon // Известия Гомельского государственного университета имени Франциска Скорины. – 2008. - № 3. - C.108-110.


Gorodetskaya, L.N. Supervision in the social-pedagogical work// Профессионализм социального педагога: проблемы  пути совершенствования: сб. научных статей. Выпуск 1. – Гомель: ГГУ им. Ф.Скорины, 2008. – С. 47-51.


Gorodetskaya, L.N. Supervision in the social-pedagogical work// Теория и методика нравственного воспитания учащихся: историко-педагогический аспект: Сборник науч.статей. – Гомель: ГГУ им.Ф.Скорины, 2009. – 220 с. – С.169-178.


Gorodetskaya, L.N. Dialogic orientation of the pedagogical interaction in the system «teacher - student» » / Л.Н. Городецкая // Известия Гомельского государственного университета имени Ф.Скорины. – Гомель, 2011. – № 1(64). – С. 62 – 67.


Didactics in schemes and concepts  / Authors Е.L Adarchenko, L.N. Gorodetskaya. . – Mozir: LLC PH «White Wind», 2004. – 49 p.


The theory of education in schemes and concepts / Authors Е.L Adarchenko, L.N. Gorodetskaya. . – Mozir: LLC PH «White Wind», 2011. – 38 p.


Reference book on didactics in schemes and concepts / Authors Е.L Adarchenko, L.N. Gorodetskaya, N.A. Khmelnytskaya . – Mozir: LLC PH «White Wind», 2011. – 44 p.












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