Alena A. Lupekina
Candidate of Sciences (Psychology)
Docent of the department of psychology
Francisk Skorina Gomel State University
* Faculty of psychology of Gomel State University, 2003
* Postgraduate study, Gomel State University, 2006
* Candidate of psychological sciences, Belarus State Pedagogical University, Minsk, 2009
* The psychologist of the Gomel regional Center of developing training and rehabilitation, 2003
* The psychologist of the Gomel city social-pedagogical centre, 2003-2004
* The lecturer of the department of psychology of Gomel State University, 2004-2010
* The Docent of the department of psychology of Gomel State University, 2010-
Family psychology, orphanhood psychology, foster family
Orphanhood psychology: texts of lectures for students of a speciality "Psychology", Gomel, 2009, 151 p.
Psychology of the person and sports career: texts of lectures for students of a speciality "Psychology" of specialisation «Sports psychology» / Lupekina E.A., Melnikova O. N, Gomel, 2010, 126 p.
Features of identification of the child with foster parents
The analysis of an emotional component of children-parental relations in foster and biological families // Psychological Journal
Research identifications of children in a foster family by means of a projective technique «Three trees» // Formation and education Journal
The comparative analysis identifications of children in foster and biological families // Psychological Journal
Formation of social and professional competence of the person of the child-orphan // Formation of social and professional competence of the person
Parental attitudes of candidates in foster parents // News of the Gomel State University
The analysis of psychomotor development of children-orphans // Psychological Journal